Beach Puddle

Beach Puddle
Memories of St Helens weekend.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

no more rest for the wicked...

started back at Tin Shed sweltering in 28 deg ,all doors open and sitting in front of a fan all day...

took some pics and played with some porcelain clay, making some little treasures for my lovely friend Anne.

here are a few of the pics ....

beach rope basket with kelp button and shell.

sea grass basket with sea weed and sponge and trio of shells.

made these on holiday .

another little rope creation.

close up of an amulet using waxed linen and wool selvage scraps.

lovely treasures from my stash.

Monday, 16 January 2012

a couple more pics from the weekend.

Lee actually made a basket or two.

a group shot ...working and chatting in comfort.
Nindethana is a great venue for groups or families to get together....very comfy and well equiped for catering.

fab weekend

origami fabric bird I recieved in the swap...made by Anna Lizotte
just got home from Deviot....we had a fabulous 3 days of relaxing creativeness ...being fed delicious fresh cooked food by my youngest...Katie. we sitched, made paper, finished ufo's  showed off, swapped our challenge pieces , caught up with friends and enjoyed the perfect weather and lovely Tamar River views.
10 happy little basketmakers.
everyones challenge swap creations  , bags, needle book,cushion,

doll,diary cover,hanging bird, wall hanging all amazing.


wet paper hanging on the line

Thursday, 12 January 2012

happy holidays

well hi everyone , had a great christmas day with my family and i was very well behaved and didnot over eat !!!
 this is our tree this year
 i decided as the family
 was only going to be
 at home for a short time
 I would downsize with
the decorations...
 the grandkids were
 fascinated and one
 wanted to light the

We took off to Petal Point on our annual camping trip on Boxing Day.
 Had a quiet New Year and celebrated my birthday as usual.
 We had 2 weeks of superb weather then a ripper of a thunder storm and along came the wind.
looks a bit messy

our vans...before we messed it up.

 It looks worse than it was and after we left you couldn't tell we had been there...maybe an odd shell or two laying about.

fishing off the rocks...didn't catch anything that day but had a lovely picnic.

four little Tasmanians sunning themselves on the rocks.

N.E. tip of Tassie, a rugged day with Swan Island in the distance.Our favourite place.
We pulled the beach net a few  times and the guys did some surf fishing , we swam and  kayacted ,walked, read,slothed about and had a genuinely fantastic time .

just a little of what i found washed up.  
 I will post some pics of what I created with this rope after this weekends basketry get together at Deviot.
 I have some tweaking to do to finish them off.I am looking forward to spending some time with my creative mates. Better go finish packing the car , I have to leave early to pick Anne up from the airport.