It has been a busy month for me and mine...
Winter has arrived with a vengence...-4 this morning brrrr.
sunrise |
frozen plant |
ice crystals on roof of my car |
I have been a bit slack on the creative side of late although I did play around with some of my buttons, made a necklace or two just to see how they looked..not bad actually, i need to refine them a little and then I will post a pic or two.
I have started making a box to fill with treasures for an exhibition I have been invited to participate in .
bare bones of box with lid... | I have discovered the cover packaging of photocopy paper is great to use to work on cause glue does'nt stick to it and I can get heaps from work for free.:) |
a collection of treasures to choose from...the hard part! |
I am still mulling over ideas how to cover the box...thought maybe some of my hand made paper might be the go....I intend to section the box inside so all the treasures have there own little space , making them all the more special.I also want to make a book to tell the story ......
I will keep you updated as I do more.